Thursday, August 16, 2012

Technology Upgrade for your 86142B!

Well natural selection has done it again - after years of allowing for the marginal OSA line from Agilent to develop into a product worthy of the Agilent name time has finally run out. It seems Agilent has finally said "uncle" and is exiting the OSA marketplace.

The good news for those that have been loyal to Agilent is that when you now look at alternatives you will find what you have been looking for all along - a cost effective, world-class OSA with better resolution BW than you ever had before, free space input and unsurpassed Dynamic Range all wrapped up in the Yokogawa AQ6370C!

If you want to rid yourself of yesterday's technology and upgrade to the world's best OSA we are here to help! Call us (203 401-8093) or email us ( to learn how you can trade-in your Agilent 86142B and receive up to $10K towards the purchase of an AQ637x series OSA, or anything else you may want to put that money towards.